Things that happen


I know I've been neglecting this blog for quite some time (every time) now.

A lot of things happen to me and family. Good and bad, happy and sad.

My husband has admitted about 3 weeks ago, a serious condition, a start. These I only share with friends privately, not announce it here, but I can say it is the most horrible experience for me and my kids by far. Though he is still weak and tiring often, I hope and always pray to Allah that he is strong and getting better. I want him to be with us for as long as possible, until I know I can let him go. Am I being selfish?

I love the moment, to see his laughter, his smile. I always taught things to happen for a reason and that reason (for me) to appreciate him more. To see things more positive and to appreciate every moment together in life. Our life might be very tough, but to have him and the kids by my side makes it easier to face everything impossible.

I just want to share this bonding moment between Abang and Naydee
Last week, my husband decided to sew (yay!), so we bought an old portable sewing machine because he was not confident enough to use the industrial sewing machine hehe...

And so, his first-ever project...SCRUNCHIES! For his daughter (thought these are for me :P) but, hey, never mind, I see his enthusiast while making these for his girl, measuring, cutting, sewing and even hand stitch the opening! And of course, his girl selected the fabrics :)

He is making more...:) And oh, I bought some felt for Cha, and she made this...a really fat Robin...and hang it on the bedroom door :) It is very impressive to see her enthusiast complete the craft. I must say I am really proud of her!

See the wing stitching? It's my husband's ;)

Dear readers,
Please take care of your health. And enjoy every moment you have with your spouse and kids. Stay healthy and happy.


Nomaliza Azman said…
Thanks kak. Appreciated.
Hi momma...

be tough ye...u always inspire me! :)
Wanie Samani said…
semoga siti sekeluarga dirahmati Allah selalu... doa je yg dapat aku bg dari jauh..
Nomaliza Azman said…
Thanks Faizah and Wanie for the support! Appreciate it!

Faizah, being tough for the family, yes.