It has been awhile


Ah, it has been a while since my last post. I was busy with sewing, and of course busy catching up with all house chores that seem to be endless, I hardly breathe! It's 2.30am in the morning now. Hmm...

Yesterday was a new chapter for my shop as now, the name CREATIVE COCOON is officially mine! Yay!Of course with extra word 'enterprise' aish...Come to think of it now, why didn't I put 'Studio' or 'Hand made' replacing the 'enterprise' * a really big slap on the forehead!' Argh...why didn't those words pop in my head then??? Arghhh...I hate the word enterprise actually, ahahaha...I registered the name yesterday, and I am really happy that my hand made shop is making another step.

Well, Abang (my husband) did say no worries as CREATIVE COCOON will go Sdn Bhd one day! Hooray! Hope it'll be soon!!!

I have so much in my head to redesign my mailing card, business cards etc...etc...(just to put in the company registration number, actually...haha) Everything was ready to be printed out (the business cards and etc).

Oh, I'm so excited!

Well, hmm...I have finished one of the winner's prezzie in my 2nd Service Giveaway. She personally requested a large reversible Sling bag with a pattern given.

The bag is super huge and I really love the combination of the fabrics! Love sewing the bag and I was really in a happy mood all the way :)

She also requested a shoe bag with lining. And I make one for her using the same fabrics and guess what, it's actually a reversible bag too haha...!

The exterior view

The interior view

The prezzies :)
Last Friday, we finally managed to follow Abang to Universiti Malaya. My husband will go to UM to play basketball whenever he can to play his favorite sport! Well, it is because that's the only place that has a decent court, he said. So, this time the kids and I went with him. Though I didn't really have the opportunity to have a good workout (I had to carry little Naydee), but believe me, carrying Naydee, while running around kicking the ball and tossing tennis balls over the court divider was pretty exhausting too, okay! Hahaha...

I love doing that, especially with the kiddos!

Erisa kicking the ball


Abang in action :)

Nas and Abang

Naydee :)


Mila@Rimbun said…
Tahniah liza with the new shop.. all ur bags are very insipiring, I wish I can sew all beautiful bag like yours, tp bila buat beg yg complicated skit, terus pening kepala hahaha.. last2 jadi UFO(unfinished object)
Nomaliza Azman said…
Thanks Kak Mila, harapnya semakin berkembanglah hand made Liza :)

Thanks NoEn, berkat doa kawan-kawan di cyberspace ni :) Moga segalanya berjalan lancar :)
Rosh said…
congrats liza! i'm so happy for u. looking at all your bags remind me of my UFOs... pandai mula tp tak tau bila nk abiskn...;P . If only i'm as talented & skilfull as u in bag making..