Finished as planned!


A set of Baby Jue Tote, Kartika and custom size Enadia clutch. Supposed with a matching wallet, but still under construction! Haha...!
These are what I'd been up to the past few days, finally done and ready for delivery! I'm so not being creative to write today, so, all, enjoy the pics! And order! LOL...

Sophie handbag organizer, Enadia clutch and Anissa clutch

The Anissa clutch, with a sling!
Have a nice day today!


zs said…
salam liza,
tq sudi singgah blog akak...
akak ni tak sehebat liza bab jahit beg far akak cuma mencuba dari free tutorials in english & buku2 in chinese-ni yg mmg pening kepala nak fahamwlau ada kadang2 tu baik kita cuba buat je sendiri...kalau nasib baik menjadi,kalau tak menjadi pun takpe kan-at least kita dpt ilmu jugak dari kegagalan tu!
syaf said…
Gorgeous! Your bags are gorgeous. All of them! saya sukaaaa ;)