What I received and what I finished today


Remember in my previous post that I received unexpected gifts from Shubie (Siamesecats). Here they are! Aren't they lovely :) Really appreciate it, Mam and love...love...love everything!

-2 fabrics
-1 ribbon
-1 purse frame
-ric rac
-a thread keeper (the card stock)
-A lovely note

And this is what I've done early this morning. An organizer fits LV Damier Neverfall tote custom order by a friend :). Thank you!


ct N honey said…
cantik,kalau lah saya boleh buat macam ni.....
Nomaliza Azman said…
CT n Honey, tiada apa yg istimewa tentang hasil kerja saya, saya percaya semua orang mampu melakukannya dengan latihan yang berterusan. Cubalah! Tentu boleh :)