Custom made petite wristlet...Done.

Good evening,

Finished this petite wristlet today, actually, there's more but only this one 'completed'. This is a custom made HP wristlet. Since my client wanted to put her handphone and coins/money inside the pouch, so, I guess I better put a pocket inside so that her phone won't scratch. The pocket is, of course, bellow pocket :).

All pieces are interfaced for stability and using the Korea lawn for lining and English cotton for the exterior. The size is about 11cm x 15cm. There are a few wristlets for her to choose actually and hoping to be able to upload before sending one out to her ;)

This petite wristlet is RM15 inclusive postage. Please e-mail me or SMS me for more details/queries. compare the size

A bellow pocket inside
I also attached a cotton string and a wooden bead to its zipper :)

That's all, got to finished sewing more wristlets and Owen Office tote bag now...bye!
