Looking back during those time

Good morning all,

I was browsing on our old photo files this morning. Looking back Erisa and Nas and of course, Harraz were little, Hadif and Enay also included. I wanted to share some of those memories with you guys (since I don't have sewing stuff to share at the moment, the sewing mood was somehow blocked! *sighs)

These are some photos when Erisa was about 1 year and above:

At our little accessories shop in Jitra.
All accessories bought in Haadyai, Thailand

A happy little girl.
Very  'selekeh' girl she is still now...haha

At home...we moved a lot and this was in Jitra.

Love her curly hair and big eyes and at the back is Nas, also wearing hair clips haha....My bad...my bad...

Erisa a.k.a as Chacha

Wearing all accessories :)
And also Nas during those very chubby look:

This was taken also at my shop when he was about 6 months plus.
If you notice, there is a red mark on his lower lips ;)
Chinese people used to say it brings 'ong' haha...

Very chubby Nas :)

In his walker

Oppsss...I like to put those hair clips on him :D
Harraz, the baby face look (until now!)

This was taken when we stayed in Cameron Highlands about 2 years ago, and now, we're moving back there!

Wink ;)

He got the sweet smile :)

Hadif in Cameron Highlands

When he started crawling, we had to move everything out of his way...

Noticed that he has a different skin tone from the rest of the family haha...
But he is truly one kid than can play with anything...even with a piece of shredded paper

Hadif and daddy at Convent Tanah Rata

And last but not least, Enay, our latest baby :)

Our sweety with two pusar
She smiles
She closed her eyes? Err...

Our moment during Haadyai trips. We really enjoy going there. we used to go there a lot to searched for accessories, bags and etc to sell in our little shop. And it had been 3 years since our last visit. my husband had promised to take us there in March. Can't wait. Fabrics hunting, accessories, beads, crystals, stones...ahhh...it's heaven...luckily we both (hubby and I) share the same interest in finding great items :)

Oh, furthermore Hadif and Enay had never been to Haadyai before, so this is the perfect time to do so...and surprisingly those Thais girls that work in the mall and shops are great with kids :). Nas used to be the center of attractions when we went there the last time ;)

But pictures are only in hotels...alaa...thought I have plenty, never mind, next time will snap lots and lots of pictures of Haadyai :)

This is Erisa
Cha and Nas
And these were a holiday trip to Terengganu. Since my husband is a freelance writer, he likes to do his work where ever he wants!

Me, preggy with Harraz.
On my laps is Nas and Erisa at front
We actually rent the whole boat to tour around, not sure where,
 just to avoid the crowd and let the kids enjoy themselves

My husband and the kids

Me, the selekeh mama haha and still am...with Nas.
That's me actually, never bother to wear make-up :)
But I love to have natural, glow, beautiful skin instead :)
Our anak-anak angkat from Bukit Jalil Traning Centre. They are very sopan and very nice kids! They spent their evening time at our home in Cameron during their yearly training there. We had fun buat cucur, playing with my kids, talking. And they are like family to us... hope to see them soon.

Puteri and Hadif
Liyana, showing off her souvenir bag she'd received from Commonwealth game in India if I'm not mistaken.
 There are few more kids not included in the picture. A Malay, Chinese and Indian boys, they were  busy playing PCs game :) They played basketball with husband whenever they had time.

Hope you guys enjoy the photos.
Happy Sunday to all!
