First Award from...
...Simply Aku O'gosh. Yay! Thanks you dear.
I've registered myself as her follower few days ago. She is just so funny and made my day every time I read her post. She just blogged about everything that's you never thought about it in her funny kind of speech.
Well, in receiving this award I was supposed to answer some goes...
Apa pendapat anda tentang Simply O'gosh blog?
-Blog yang sangat-sangat menghiburkan. Humble. Kelakar, ada aje info yang remeh temeh di highlight kan, macam dia tengah bosan aje ketika menulis post (org yg tengah bosan aje boleh pikir benda yang remeh-temeh ni :))
-Tempat yang paling nak dilawati?
Korea-kerana mahu membawa masuk segala macam produk crafts Korea yang sememangnya terkenal dengan kualitinya. Juga kerana mahu mengalami sendiri negara 4 musim yang malangnya tak terdapat di Malaysia! Musim sejuk, bunga, luruh dan panas! Erk....panas tak payah kot...ngee..
-3 perkara tentang diri saya?
Saya seorang yang introvert, perfectionist, suka buat koleksi notebook (for doodling, sketching etc)
Now, I have to TAG someone: azreenchan-because I adore her! muahaha...and Azura (kak Zura)
Please receive the award...thank you!
I've registered myself as her follower few days ago. She is just so funny and made my day every time I read her post. She just blogged about everything that's you never thought about it in her funny kind of speech.
Well, in receiving this award I was supposed to answer some goes...
Apa pendapat anda tentang Simply O'gosh blog?
-Blog yang sangat-sangat menghiburkan. Humble. Kelakar, ada aje info yang remeh temeh di highlight kan, macam dia tengah bosan aje ketika menulis post (org yg tengah bosan aje boleh pikir benda yang remeh-temeh ni :))
-Tempat yang paling nak dilawati?
Korea-kerana mahu membawa masuk segala macam produk crafts Korea yang sememangnya terkenal dengan kualitinya. Juga kerana mahu mengalami sendiri negara 4 musim yang malangnya tak terdapat di Malaysia! Musim sejuk, bunga, luruh dan panas! Erk....panas tak payah kot...ngee..
-3 perkara tentang diri saya?
Saya seorang yang introvert, perfectionist, suka buat koleksi notebook (for doodling, sketching etc)
Now, I have to TAG someone: azreenchan-because I adore her! muahaha...and Azura (kak Zura)
Please receive the award...thank you!