A-Z of Sewing Book hunt
Yesterday we went to Kinokuniya, KLCC bookstore (a place that always makes me happy) I did some 'google-ing' in Amazon.com and Kinokuniya book web about books on sewing techniques and related and I'd come across this book. It has a lot of pictures on technique How-to and it's suitable for me as I'm learning to sew only thru books and the Internet and try/error base.
I really don't have time to go to college to learn sewing (I hate the facts that we need to learn the history sewing and fashion and etc, in the first months in college)
It costs me RM117.11 for the book (really expensive to buy international books in Malaysia) but, anyway it's worth it. I haven't finished reading it, tho.
Do you have any book recommendations for me to buy as a beginner sewer?
Oh, yes, I've finished making 2 more Baby Jue Tote's Organizers for my shop. If you're interested in purchasing it, please drop by at my shop for more details.